Funeral Cake Recipe

Traditional Funeral Cake Recipe: A Timeless Tribute.

Funeral cake recipe

Funeral cake recipe, despite its somber name, is a comforting and delicious dessert that has been a staple at gatherings for generations. This classic funeral cake recipe combines soft    layers of chocolate cake with a rich and creamy chocolate frosting. This is a sweet recipe  that not only satisfies your sweet tooth but also brings people together in times of both mourning and celebration. Even if you are eating with your  loved ones during a difficult moment or enjoying it on a happy occasion. This is a very delicious Funeral cake recipe that can brighten up your whole day. If you love cakes, then you try this delicious Amangiri pancake recipe

Ingredients for Funeral cake recipe:

For the funeral Cake recipe: 

  • 1.75 cups of all-purpose flour
  •  1.5 cups of granulated sugar 
  • 3/4 cup of cocoa powder
  •  1.5 teaspoons of baking powder
  •  1 and 1/2 teaspoons baking soda
  •  1 teaspoon salt
  •  2 large eggs
  •  1 cup buttermilk 

1/2 cup vegetable oil:

  •  2 teaspoons vanilla extract
  •  1 cup boiling water

For the Chocolate Frosting:

  • 1 cup (2 sticks) of soft, unsalted butter
  • 1.5 cups of unsweetened cocoa powder
  •  5 cups powdered sugar
  •  2/3 cup milk
  •  2 teaspoons vanilla extract
funeral cake Ingredients


Equipment need for Funeral cake recipe

For the Cake:

  1. Mixing Bowls
  2. Sifter or Sieve
  3. Measuring Cups and Spoons
  4. Whisk or Electric Mixer
  5. 9×13-inch Baking Pan
  6. Oven
  7. Toothpick or Cake Tester

For the Frosting:

  1. Saucepan
  2. Whisk or Wooden Spoon
  3. Measuring Cups and Spoons

General Kitchen Equipment:

  1. Oven Mitts or Pot Holders
  2. Cooling Rack
  3. Knife or Spatula
  4. Wooden Spoon or Fork
  5. Boiling Kettle or Pot (for boiling water)

Make sure these tools are clean and ready before you start cooking.

Instruction for  Funeral cake recipe

Prep Your Oven and Pans

It’s time for the grand spectacle!  Heat your oven to 350°F. Now take your cakes pan and brush it lightly with butter or oil. Picture it as pampering your pans. Afterward, sprinkle a touch of flour to ensure your cakes don’t stick like an old joke at a party.

Mix the Dry Stuff:

Take a big bowl and add  flour, cocoa powder, sugar, baking powder, baking soda, and salt and mix it well.

Add the Wet Ingredients:

 Now, unleash the eggs, buttermilk, vegetable oil, and vanilla extract into the dry ensemble. Stir until they perform a seamless ballet, a waltz of ingredients. An electric mixer can join the dance, or you can opt for the traditional spoon, reminiscent of a bygone era.

Boiling Water Magic

Introduce the boiling water with the flair of a magician’s grand finale. Give it a good stir, a flourish. If the batter appears thinner than anticipated, don’t fret; it’s all part of the cakey symphony.

Fill the Cake Pans:

 Distribute this delectable cake batter equitably among your two prepared pans. Equality is the name of the game here, a fair share for all.

Bake It Like a Virtuoso:

 Slide those pans into your preheated oven and allow the magic to unfold for approximately 30 to 35 minutes. To ascertain their readiness, perform the classic toothpick test. If it emerges clean, devoid of any clinging batter, your funeral cakes recipe are primed for the spotlight!

Cool Down:

 As your cakes gracefully cool for about 10 minutes in their pans, envision them luxuriating in a spa-like tranquility. Subsequently, tenderly escort them from their abode and grant them the privilege of complete cooling on a wire rack, as they prepare for their performance.

Frosting Time:

 While your cakes temper their enthusiasm, let’s not forget the true star of our show – the chocolate frosting. Whip it into a frenzy by commingling softened butter, cocoa powder, powdered sugar, milk, and vanilla extract until it attains a smoothness finer than a comedian’s punchline.

Layer and Frost:

 Once your cakes are as cool as a cucumber, lay a foundation of frosting upon one cake layer. Then, tenderly deposit the second layer atop, as you shroud the entire creation in frosting, much like the red carpet at a star-studded event.

funeral cake

Get Creative:

 Give your inner artist free rein! Bedeck your cake with chocolate shavings, sprinkles, or any adornments that tickle your fancy.

Slice and Share:

 Finally, it’s the moment of truth – the cutting of the masterpiece. Share the bounty

Funeral cake slice

Variation of Funeral cake recipe

  • Nutty Chocolate Funeral Cake:
    • Add chopped nuts like walnuts or pecans to the cake batter for a delightful crunch. You can also sprinkle extra on top of the frosting.
  • Mint Chocolate Funeral Cake:
    • Add a little peppermint extract to the cake batter for a minty flavor.  It gives the cake a refreshing twist.
    • Garnish with crushed peppermint candies or mint chocolate chips for extra flavor.
  • Raspberry Chocolate Funeral Cake:
    • Spread raspberry jam or preserves between the cake layers before frosting for a fruity touch.
    • Decorate the cake with fresh raspberries for a burst of color and a tangy flavor.
  • Coffee Chocolate Funeral Cake:
    • Boost the chocolate flavor with coffee by dissolving 1-2 tablespoons of instant coffee in the boiling water used in the cake batter.
  • Coconut Chocolate Funeral Cake:
    • Mix shredded coconut into the cake batter for a tropical and slightly nutty taste. Sprinkle more coconut on top of the frosting for a lovely finish.
  • Peanut Butter Chocolate Funeral Cake:
    • Make it nuttier and richer by stirring in 1/2 cup of smooth peanut butter into the cake batter.
    •  Drizzle extra peanut butter on top for even more peanut butter flavor.

These variations are simple ways to add different flavors and textures to the classic Funeral Cake. Enjoy trying out these ideas!

Nutrition Information

  • Calories: Approximately 400 calories
  • Total Fat: 16g
  • Saturated Fat: 7g
  • Cholesterol: 45mg
  • Sodium: 350mg
  • Total Carbohydrates: 64g
  • Dietary Fiber: 3g
  • Sugars: 45g
  • Protein: 5g

Secret of Funeral Cake Recipe

The secret to a good Funeral Cake recipe lies in its comforting and nostalgic qualities rather than any hidden ingredient or method. The secret is to make it with love and care, honoring the tradition of sharing a sweet, comforting dessert during times of remembrance and support. It’s the emotional connection and the act of sharing that make it special.


So, when it comes to this funeral cake recipe, it is not only sweet but also a comforting and tradition. Even if you are eating  with your loved ones during a difficult time, this Funeral cake recipe brings people closer and reminds us of the power of good food to bond us together. This funeral cake recipe is very delicious and rich in dough. Here’s to the timeless appeal of funeral cake and the joy it brings to any occasion!

Funeral Cake Recipe

funeral cake

Discover a comforting and delicious funeral cake recipe to honor your loved ones. Easy to make and perfect for sharing with family and friends
Prep Time 20 minutes
Cook Time 35 minutes
Total Time 1 hour 10 minutes
Course Dessert
Cuisine American
Servings 9 people
Calories 400 kcal


  • Mixing Bowls
  • Sifter or Sieve
  • Measuring Cups and Spoons
  • Whisk or Electric Mixer
  • 9×13-inch Baking Pan
  • Oven
  • Toothpick or Cake Tester


  • 1.75 cups of all-purpose flour 
  • 1.5 cups of granulated sugar
  • 3/4 cups of cocoa powder 
  • 1.5 teaspoons of baking powder 
  • 1/2 teaspoons baking soda 
  • 1 teaspoons salt
  • 2 large eggs 
  • 1 cups buttermilk 
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla extract 
  • 1 cups boiling water
  • 1 cups (2 sticks) of soft, unsalted butter
  • 1.5 cups of unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 5 cups powdered sugar 
  • 2/3 cups milk 
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla extract


  • Prep Your Oven and Pans
  • Mix the dry stuff
  • Add the Wet ingredients
  • Boiling Water Magic
  • Fill the cake pans
  • Bake It Like a Virtuoso
  • Cool down
  • Frosting Time
  • Layer and Frost
  • Get creative
  • Slice and share
Keyword Funeral cake recipe

1.What do you put on a funeral cake?

Typically, chocolate frosting is the star, but get creative with shavings, sprinkles, or fruit!

2.What food is served at funerals?

Funeral menus often feature comforting dishes like casseroles, sandwiches, salads, and desserts, providing solace and nourishment to mourners.

3.Why are soul cakes given?

Soul cakes, historically, were offered to pray for the souls of the deceased during All Souls’ Day, a Christian tradition.

4.What food is served at funerals?

Funeral food typically includes casseroles, sandwiches, salads, and comforting desserts like cake or pie, offering solace and nourishment.

5.What is a funeral cake made of?

Funeral cake comprises all-purpose flour, cocoa powder, sugar, eggs, buttermilk, vegetable oil, vanilla extract, and a rich chocolate frosting.

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