recipe for golden corral pot roast

Delicious Golden Corral Pot Roast Recipe

Recipe for Golden Corral Pot Roast

If you have ever eaten the main meal of the day at Golden Corral, you know that their homestyle cooking has a way of warming hearts and satisfying appetites. Their pot roast is a true gem that has a special place in American cuisine. Now, while the exact recipe for golden corral pot roast is a  guarded secret, we will help you recreate a delectable, homemade version that captures the essence of Golden Corral’s iconic pot roast. Get ready to embark on a culinary journey, where we will prepare you through the techniques, ingredients, and steps required to create this classic American favorite in the cozy embrace of the kitchen. Whether you’re a seasoned home cook or just starting culinary adventure, our recipe is here to ensure your pot roast turns out tender, juicy, and brimming with flavor.

How to Make Golden Corral Pot Roast:

Recipe for Golden Corral pot roast may be shrouded in secrecy, but we’ve crafted a recipe that comes tantalizingly close to that classic flavor. Let’s dive into it:


3-4 pounds of chuck roast

2 tablespoons of vegetable oil

1 large onion, finely chopped

4 to 5 cloves of garlic, minced

4-5 carrots, peeled and cut into hearty chunks

4-5 potatoes, peeled and chunked

2 cups of beef broth

1 cup of red wine (optional)

One teaspoon of dried thyme

1 teaspoon of dried rosemary

Salt and pepper to heart’s content


Preheat your oven to a cozy 325°F (160°C).

Give your chuck roast the royal treatment with generous seasoning of salt and pepper on all sides.

In a spacious and oven-safe pot or Dutch oven, let your vegetable oil heat up over a medium-high flame. Once it’s sizzling, introduce your seasoned chuck roast, searing it to perfection on all sides until it sports that lovely, well-browned look. This takes about 4 to 5 minutes per side. Once it’s reached this peak, transfer it from the pot to await its culinary destiny.

In the same pot, add your finely chopped onions and minced garlic, and let them sauté away for a few minutes until they become beautifully translucent and fragrant.

It’s now time for the prodigal roast to return to the pot.

Introduce the beef broth and red wine (if you choose to indulge). These elixirs will ensure your roast remains succulent and loaded with flavor.

Sprinkle the dried thyme and rosemary over the roast, and don’t forget to season further with salt and pepper if your taste buds so desire.

Now, arrange those chunked carrots and potatoes around the roast, as they eagerly await their transformation.

Cover your pot with a lid and place it into the loving warmth of your preheated oven. Let it slow-roast for a patient 3-4 hours, or until the meat yields to the gentle persuasion of a fork or knife. When it easily slides in and out, your pot roast has reached its zenith.

Once your pot roast has attained perfection, take it out of the oven. Let it rest for a few minutes before embarking on the grand finale: slicing and serving. Don’t forget to drizzle some of the pan juices and surround the slices with the flavorful, roasted vegetables.

 recipe for golden corral pot roast

Ingredient Substitution:


If you find yourself without buttermilk, you can craft a substitute by mixing 1 cup of milk with 1 tablespoon of lemon juice or white vinegar. Let this dynamic duo sit for a few minutes until it curdles.

Eggs (in baking):

In the realm of baking, if you run out of eggs, fear not. For each egg needed, you can employ 1/4 cup of unsweetened applesauce, mashed banana, or yogurt as a worthy replacement.

Baking Powder:

Should you find yourself in need of baking powder, simply blend 1 part baking soda with 2 parts cream of tartar, and you’ve got your substitute ready to roll.

Bread Crumbs:

When the breadcrumb canister is empty, consider crushed crackers, cornflakes, or oats as admirable stand-ins for many recipes.


In the event that butter is scarce, you can call upon applesauce, yogurt, or mashed avocado to take its place, either entirely or in part for baking. For sautéing, oils or even chicken/beef/vegetable broth can come to the rescue.

Sugar (in baking):

If you run low on sugar level, look to honey, maple syrup, or agave nectar as substitutes. Take 3/4 cup of these liquids for every cup of sugar. Bear in mind that this might influence your recipe’s consistency and moisture content.


If all-purpose flour is nowhere to be found, whole wheat flour or gluten-free flour blends like almond flour or coconut flour can often serve as worthy substitutes. The texture and flavor may vary, adding an exciting twist to your dish.


The dairy aisle can sometimes leave us empty-handed, but almond, soy, or coconut milk can frequently step in as reliable alternatives to regular cow’s milk in recipes.

Heavy Cream:

When heavy cream is but a dream, a blend of milk and melted butter can work its magic. Try a mixture of 2/3 cup of whole milk and 1/3 cup of melted  butter for each cup of heavy cream.

Sour Cream:

If sour cream is playing hard to get, Greek yogurt or plain yogurt can don the mantle of the cream in most recipes.

Tomato Sauce:

Should you find yourself tomato-sauce-less, a mixture of 1/2 cup of tomato paste and 1/2 cup of water can seamlessly take its place for every cup of tomato sauce needed.

Chicken Broth:

When chicken broth is elusive, vegetable broth or water fortified with bouillon cubes or powder can step in for chicken broth in many recipes.

Garlic (fresh):

In the absence of fresh garlic, the trusty garlic powder or garlic salt can save the day. About 1/8 teaspoon of garlic powder is roughly equivalent to one fresh garlic clove.

Things to Serve with Golden Corral Pot Roast:

Mashed Potatoes: 

Creamy mashed potatoes are a classic companion to pot roast, harmonizing beautifully with the savory flavors  and offering the perfect canvas for soaking up the sumptuous gravy.

Green Beans:  

Steamed, green beans seasoned with a hint of garlic and butter can offer a simple yet nutritious side.


Soft, sweet cornbread or corn muffins bring a delightful touch to your meal. The hint of sweetness pairs wonderfully with the savory pot roast.


A bed of fluffy white or brown rice not only soaks up the delectable gravy but can also be elevated with flavors like garlic or herbs.


Cool and tangy coleslaw brings a refreshing element to the rich and hearty pot roast, offering a delightful balance of flavors.

Dinner Rolls: 

Soft or crusty dinner rolls are perfect for making pot roast sandwiches and are excellent for sopping up the savory juices and gravy.


A crisp garden salad with a light vinaigrette or ranch dressing can provide a fresh and healthy complement to the meal.

Macaroni and Cheese: 

Creamy mac and cheese is a comfort food  and makes for a delightful indulgence alongside pot roast.

Garlic Bread: 

Slices of garlic bread,  baked with butter and garlic, add a flavorful and convenient touch to the meal.

Steamed Asparagus: 

A side of steamed asparagus with  olive oil and a sprinkle of parmesan cheese offers a lighter option to balance the hearty pot roast.

Creamed Spinach: 

Creamed spinach with  nutmeg adds a savory taste that harmonizes beautifully with the pot roast.

How to Store Recipe for Golden Corral Pot Roast:

Storing your pot roast with care is essential to keep its flavors intact:

Allow It to Cool: 

Allow golden corral to cool to room temperature, after indulging in your pot roast. This helps prevent moisture buildup in the storage container.

Portion It: 

If you’ve prepared a generous batch of pot roast, consider portioning it into individual servings. This makes reheating more efficient and minimizes food waste.

Use Airtight Containers: 

Transfer the pot roast, along with its gravy and vegetables, into airtight containers. These can be made of plastic,  or  resealable plastic bags. 


For longer storage, freezing is a good way to go. When freezing, make an effort to remove as much air as possible from the containers to prevent freezer burn.

Don’t forget to label the containers with the date, providing a convenient reference point.

Gravy Consideration: 

If you’re storing the pot roast along with its savory gravy, think about storing them separately. Gravy can sometimes thicken when refrigerated or frozen.


When the moment arrives to savor your stored pot roast, be sure to reheat it thoroughly. For refrigerated pot roast, the microwave, stovetop, or oven can be your allies. For frozen pot roast, take the time to melt it in the refrigerator overnight.

Freshness Check: 

Always take a moment to assess  pot roast for any signs of spoilage, such as unusual odors,  or discoloration, before indulging. When in doubt, err on the side of caution and bid farewell to any questionable portions.

What Makes a Perfect Pot Roast:

Creating the perfect pot roast involves a harmonious blend of key elements:

Choice of Meat: 

The meat takes center stage, and the choice of the right cut is pivotal. Chuck roast is a popular selection due to its ideal combination of marbling and connective tissue. It strikes the balance needed for tenderness and flavor.


The perfect pot roast is well-seasoned. A generous seasoning of salt, pepper, and any additional herb is key.

Searing the Meat: 

Earlier to  slow-cooking, searing the meat in a hot pan is a good step. This caramelization creates a flavorful crust that elevates the overall taste of the dish.

Slow Cooking: 

Pot roast thrives on slow-cooking. Whether you opt for an oven, a slow cooker, or an Instant Pot, low and slow cooking at a moderate temperature is the secret to achieving tender perfection.


Introducing moisture in the form of broth, wine, or even water is vital to ensure the meat retains its moisture and doesn’t dry out during the extended cooking process. This liquid also serves as the foundation for a luscious gravy or sauce.


Common choices for pot roast vegetables include carrots, onions, and potatoes. These veggies absorb the meat’s flavors and cooking liquid, enhancing the overall dish. You can add them at the start for a softer texture or toward the end if you prefer them firmer.

Browning Vegetables: 

For an extra layer of flavor, consider browning the vegetables in the same pan used for searing the meat. This caramelization contributes to the overall depth of flavor in the dish.

Time and Patience: 

A perfect pot roast requires patience and time for the magic to happen. This is not a dish for the hurried. Plan ahead and grant it the time it needs to become tender and flavorful.

Aromatic Additions: 

Onions, garlic, and other aromatics like celery can introduce depth to the flavor profile. They also enhance the aroma of the dish as it simmers to perfection.

Gravy or Sauce: 

The liquid used for cooking, when combined with pan drippings and thickened, creates a mouthwatering gravy or sauce. This sauce serves as the unifying element that ties the dish together, delivering a tantalizing finish.


After the pot roast has reached its highest point in the oven , allow it to rest for a few minutes . This step enables the juices to redistribute within the meat, ensuring each slice is juicy and packed with flavor.


Crafting the perfect pot roast is also a matter of personal preference. You have the flexibility to customize it with your choice of seasonings, vegetables, and even the type of liquid used for cooking.


Taste of Comfort: 

Golden Corral’s pot roast is renowned for its comforting and hearty flavors. By choosing this recipe, you can savor that familiar taste of home-cooked comfort food.


For those who have cherished memories of dining at Golden Corral, preparing this pot roast at home offers a way to relive those moments and relish the flavors associated with the restaurant.

Homemade Goodness: 

Crafting pot roast at home empowers you to control the quality of ingredients, tweak flavors to your liking, and ensure a fresh, homemade meal.

Family Favorite: 

Pot roast is a classic family dish that often appeals to both kids and adults. This recipe can be a hit at family gatherings and weeknight dinners.


While this recipe draws inspiration from Golden Corral, you retain the freedom to personalize it according to your preferences. Adjust the seasonings, vegetables, and cooking method to suit your taste.


Preparing meals at home is generally more budget-friendly than dining out, making it a wallet-friendly option.

Dietary Preferences: 

Cooking at home grants you control over the ingredients, making it easier to accommodate dietary restrictions or preferences.

Cooking Experience: 

Trying to recreate a beloved dish like Golden Corral’s pot roast can be a fun and rewarding culinary journey, allowing you to enhance your culinary skills.

Meal Planning: 

Preparing a pot roast often yields leftovers, which are perfect for meal planning. You can enjoy it over several days or freeze portions for future use.


The satisfaction derived from creating and relishing a delicious meal made from scratch is immeasurable, providing a sense of fulfillment and accomplishment.

Equipment Needed Recipe for Golden Corral Pot Roast:

Dutch Oven or Roasting Pan: 

Stovetop and Oven: 

Cutting Board: 

Chef’s Knife: 


Measuring Cups and Spoons: 


Lid or Aluminum Foil: 


Oven Mitts: 

Serving Platter: 

Gravy Boat (Optional): 

Nutritional Information:

Calories:  250 to 350 calories.

Protein:  25 to 30 grams per serving.

Fat:  10 to 15 grams per serving.

Carbohydrates:  1 to 5 grams per serving.

Fiber:  1 gram of dietary fiber.

Sodium:  500 to 800 milligrams per serving.

Cholesterol:  70 to 90 milligrams of cholesterol.


In the world of cuisine, Recipe for Golden Corral pot roast stands as a timeless and comforting masterpiece. It boasts a blend of tender,  beautifully cooked vegetables, and a sumptuous sauce that comes together to create a truly satisfying dining experience. While I’ve shared general nutritional information, do keep in mind that the actual values  depend on your specific recipe and ingredient choices.

Whether you seek a heartwarming family dinner or a special, indulgent meal, pot roast is a  flavorful option that never disappoints. The key is to make your own dietary preferences and requirements. So, gather your ingredients, put your culinary skills to work, and savor the rich flavors of this beloved classic.

recipe for golden corral pot roast

recipe for golden corral pot roast

Discover the secret to a mouthwatering golden corral pot roast with our delicious recipe that will leave your taste buds begging for more!
Prep Time 35 minutes
Course Dinner
Cuisine American
Servings 5 people
Calories 350 kcal


  • Dutch Oven or Roasting Pan:
  •  Stovetop and Oven: 
  • Cutting Board
  •  Chef's Knife:
  • Tongs
  • Measuring Cups and Spoons
  • Spatula:
  •  Lid or Aluminum Foil: 
  • Thermometer:
  •  Oven Mitts:
  •  Serving Platter:
  •  Gravy Boat (Optional): 


  • 3-4 pounds of chuck roast
  • 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil
  • 1 large onion, finely chopped
  • 4-5 cloves of garlic, minced
  • 4-5 carrots, peeled and cut into hearty chunks
  • 4-5 potatoes, peeled and chunked
  • 2 cups of beef broth
  • 1 cup of red wine (optional)
  • 1 teaspoon of dried thyme
  • 1 teaspoon of dried rosemary
  • Salt and pepper to heart's content
Keyword Recipe for golden corral pot roast

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